Exam Info
The midterm will be held in-person on Tuesday, March 18th, 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PT. There will be a single alternate exam on Wednesday, March 19th at 8AM PT that continues for the amount of time you need.
The midterm adjustments form was released on Edstem and was due on Friday, March 7th, 2025. If you have any last minute adjustment requests, you may still continue to fill out the form, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate any alteration requests, and requests will be reviewed on a rolling basis. However, if you're feeling unwell or there's an emergency, please email cs61c@
Please only email cs61c@
for emergencies or if you're feeling unwell. Please do not post on Ed, since there's a higher chance of us missing your post.
Room and seat confirmations will be sent by Friday, March 14th, 11:59 PM PT via email.
Midterm Scope
The midterm covers the following topics:
- Every lecture through Lecture 20
- Every lab through Lab 4
- Every discussion through Discussion 7
- Every homework through Q6.4 of Homework 6
- Project 1 and 2
Lecture 21 will likely have some amount of review of Lecture 20, so even though the new content introduced in Lecture 21 will not be in scope for the midterm, the review may be helpful to attend. Even though Homework 6 is due after the midterm, the material in the first portion of the homework is in scope for the midterm, and we highly encourage you to complete the in-scope portions before the midterm.
Midterm Resources
The exam is closed-book, closed-note, closed-internet, with the following exceptions:
- You can prepare and use up to 1 two-sided letter-sized study sheet for the midterm. You can reuse your midterm study sheets for the final.
- Study sheets must be handwritten. Digitally handwritten notes may be printed and used.
- We will take away any study sheets that do not follow this policy.
- On the exam, you will be provided with pages 1 through 3 of the 61C reference card.