Lab 3: RISC-V, Venus

Deadline: Thursday, February 13, 11:59:59 PM PT

Lab Slides


You must complete this lab on your local machine. See Lab 0 if you need to set up your local machine again.

In your labs directory on your local machine, pull any changes you may have made in past labs:

git pull origin main

Still in your labs directory on your local machine, pull the files for this lab with:

git pull starter main

If you get an error like the following:

fatal: 'starter' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

make sure to set the starter remote as follows:

git remote add starter

and run the original command again.

Still in your labs directory, run the following command to download the newest version of some tools we may need:

bash tools/

If you run into any git errors, please check out the common errors page.

Introduction to Assembly

In this course so far, we have dealt mostly with C programs (with the .c file extension), used the gcc program to compile them to machine code, and then executed them directly on the hive machines. Now, we're shifting our focus to the RISC-V assembly language, which is a lower-level language much closer to machine code. We can't execute RISC-V code directly because your computer and the hives are built to run machine code from other assembly languages --- most likely x86 or ARM.

For this lab and next lab, we will work with several RISC-V assembly files, each of which has a .s file extension. To run these, we will be using Venus, an educational RISC-V assembler and simulator. You can run Venus locally from your own terminal or on the Venus website, and the following instructions will guide you through the steps to set it up. Though you may find using the web editor easier to use for this lab, please go through these instructions for local setup regardless: these steps will also set up other infrastructure needed for future projects and labs.

Venus: Getting Started

To get started with Venus, please take a look at "The Editor Tab" and "The Simulator Tab" in the Venus reference. We recommend that you read this whole page at some point, but these sections should be enough to get started.

Warning: For the following exercises, please make sure your completed code is saved on a file on your local machine. Otherwise, we will have no proof that you completed the lab exercises.

Exercise 1: Venus Basics

You can "mount" a folder from your local device onto Venus's web frontend, so that edits you make within the browser Venus editor are reflected in your local file system, and vice versa. If you don't do this step, files created and edited in Venus will be lost each time you close the tab, unless you copy/paste them to a local file.

This exercise will walk you through the process of connecting your file system to Venus, which should save you a lot of trouble copy/pasting files between your local drive and the Venus editor.

  1. In your labs folder, run java -jar tools/venus.jar . -dm. This will expose your lab directory to Venus on a network port.
    • You should see a big "Javalin" logo.
    • If you see a message along the lines of "port unable to be bound", then you can specify another port number explicitly by appending --port PORT_NUM to the command (for example, java -jar tools/venus.jar . -dm --port 6162 will expose the file system on port 6162).
  2. Open in your web browser (Chrome or Firefox are recommended).
  3. In the Venus web terminal, run mount local labs (if you chose a different port, replace "local" with the full URL, such as http://localhost:6162). This connects Venus to your file system.
    • In your browser, you may see a prompt saying Key has been shown in the Venus mount server! Please copy and paste it into here.. You should be able to see a key in the most recent line of your local terminal output; just copy and paste it into the dialog.
  4. Go to the "Files" tab. You should now be able to see your labs directory under the labs folder.
  5. Navigate to lab03, and make sure it works by hitting the Edit button next to ex1_hello.s. This should open in the Editor tab.
    • You should see the contents of ex1_hello.s in the editor. This editor behaves like most other text editors, albeit without many of the fancier features.
  6. To assemble the program open in the editor, click the "Simulator" tab, and click "Assemble & Simulate from Editor".
    • In the future, if you already have a program open in the simulator, click "Re-assemble from Editor" instead. Note that this will overwrite everything you have in the simulator tab, such as an existing debugging session.
  7. To run the program, click "Run".
    • You can see other buttons like "Step", "Prev", and "Reset". You will use these buttons later on in the lab and during your assignments.
  8. Go back to the editor tab, and edit ex1_hello.s so that the output prints 2025.
    • Hint: The value in a1 is printed when ecall executes. What ecall does is out of scope for this class though.
  9. Save the changes you just made by hitting Cmd + s on macOS and Ctrl + s on Windows/Linux. This will update your local copy of the file.
  10. Open the file on your local machine using the text editor of your choice to check and make sure it matches what you have in the web editor.
    • Note: If you make any changes to a file in your local machine using a text editor, if you had the same file open in the Venus editor, you'll need to reopen it from the "Files" menu to get the new changes.
  11. Run the program again, you should now see 2025 if you modified the source file correctly.

Translating from C to RISC-V

In this example, we are going to walk through translating a C program to a RISC-V program. The following program will print out the nth Fibonacci number. Even though this section is a bit long, please read through it!

#include <stdio.h>

int n = 12;

// Function to find the nth Fibonacci number
int main(void) {
    int curr_fib = 0, next_fib = 1;
    int new_fib;
    for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) {
        new_fib = curr_fib + next_fib;
        curr_fib = next_fib;
        next_fib = new_fib;
    printf("%d\n", curr_fib);
    return 0;

Let's break down how we'll translate this step-by-step. Open fib.s in the Venus editor. First, we need to define the global variable n. In RISC-V global variables are declared under the .data directive. This represents the data segment. It will look like this:

n: .word 12
  • n is the name of the variable
  • .word means that the size of the data is one word
  • 12 is the value that is assigned to n

Let's move on to initalizing curr_fib and next_fib

    add t0, x0, x0 # curr_fib = 0
    addi t1, x0, 1 # next_fib = 1

Here we have added the .text directive. Everything under this directive is our code.

Remember that x0 always holds the value 0.

We don't need to do anything to declare new_fib (we don't declare variables in RISC-V).

Next, let's get to the loop. We'll start with setting up the loop variables. The following code will set i to n

la t3, n # load the address of the label n
lw t3, 0(t3) # get the value that is stored at the adddress denoted by the label n

You can think of the code above as doing something along the lines of

t3 = &n;
t3 = *t3;

We have a new instruction here la. This instruction loads the address of a label. The first line essentially sets t3 to be a pointer to n. Next, we use lw to dereference t3 which will set t3 to the value stored at n.

Now, you're probably thinking, "Why can't we directly set t3 to n?" In the .text section, there is no way that we can directly access n. (Think about it. We can't say add t3, n, x0. The arguments to add must be registers and n is not a register.) The only way that we can access it is by obtaining the address of n. Once we obtain the address of n, we need to dereference it which can be done with lw. lw will reach into memory at the address that you specify and load in the value stored at that address. In this case, we specified the address of n and added an offset of 0.

Let's get down to the loop now. First, we'll create the outer structure below:

    beq t3, x0, finish # exit loop once we have completed n iterations
    addi t3, t3, -1 # decrement counter
    j fib # loop

The first line (fib:) is a label that we will use to jump back to the beginning of the loop.

The next line (beq t3, x0, finish) specifies our terminating condition. Here, we will jump to another label, finish, once t3 (which is representing i) reaches 0.

The next line (addi t3, t3, -1) decrements i at the end of the loop body. It's important to do this at the end because i is used in the loop body. If we updated it right after beq, then it would not have the correct value in the loop body.

The next instruction jumps back to the start of the loop.

Now, let's add in the loop body.

    beq t3, x0, finish # exit loop once we have completed n iterations
    add t2, t1, t0 # new_fib = curr_fib + next_fib;
    mv t0, t1 # curr_fib = next_fib;
    mv t1, t2 # next_fib = new_fib;
    addi t3, t3, -1 # decrement counter
    j fib # loop

Nothing special here. The corresponding C lines are written in the comments.

Let's print out the nth Fibonacci number!

    addi a0, x0, 1 # argument to ecall to execute print integer
    addi a1, t0, 0 # argument to ecall, the value to be printed
    ecall # print integer ecall

Printing is a system call. You'll learn more about these later in the semester, but a system call is essentially a way for your program to interact with the Operating System. To make a system call in RISC-V, we use a special instruction called ecall. To print out an integer, we need to pass two arguments to ecall. The first argument specifies what we want ecall to do (in this case, print an integer). To specify that we want to print an integer, we pass a 1. The second argument is the integer that we want to print out.

In C, we are used to functions looking like ecall(1, t0). In RISC-V, we cannot pass arguments in this way. To pass an argument, we need to place it in an argument register (a0-a7). When the function executes, it will look in these registers for the arguments. (If you haven't seen this in lecture yet, you will soon). The first argument should be placed in a0, the second in a1, etc.

To set up the arguments, we placed a 1 in a0 and we placed the integer that we wanted to print in a1.

Next, let's terminate our program! This also requires ecall

addi a0, x0, 10 # argument to ecall to terminate
ecall # terminate ecall

In this case, ecall only needs one argument. Setting a0 to 10 specifies that we want to terminate the program.

And there you have it! Here's our full program!

n: .word 12

    add t0, x0, x0 # curr_fib = 0
    addi t1, x0, 1 # next_fib = 1
    la t3, n # load the address of the label n
    lw t3, 0(t3) # get the value that is stored at the adddress denoted by the label n
    beq t3, x0, finish # exit loop once we have completed n iterations
    add t2, t1, t0 # new_fib = curr_fib + next_fib;
    mv t0, t1 # curr_fib = next_fib;
    mv t1, t2 # next_fib = new_fib;
    addi t3, t3, -1 # decrement counter
    j fib # loop
    addi a0, x0, 1 # argument to ecall to execute print integer
    addi a1, t0, 0 # argument to ecall, the value to be printed
    ecall # print integer ecall
    addi a0, x0, 10 # argument to ecall to terminate
    ecall # terminate ecall

Exercise 2: Using the Venus Debugger

There are two ways of opening a file in the Venus debugger:

  1. Through the editor
    1. Open fib.s into the Venus editor.
    2. Click the "Simulator" tab and click the "Assemble & Simulate from Editor" (or the "Re-assemble from Editor") button. The current instruction is highlighted in a light blue color. Similar to cgdb, the current instruction is the instruction has not been executed, but is about to be executed.
  2. Through the "Files" tab
    1. Click the "Venus" tab, then click the "Files" tab.
    2. Navigate to the fib.s file, which should be located in the labs folder under lab03.
    3. Click the "VDB" button next to the name of the file.

This exercise will ask you to write down your answers in ex2_answers.txt. The question numbers may be different from the step numbers, please be careful!

  1. Open fib.s in the Venus debugger using one of the two ways listed above.
    • Question 1: What is the machine code of the highlighted instruction? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
    • Question 2: What is the machine code of the instruction at address 0x34? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  2. Click the "step" button to advance to the next instruction. The second instruction should now be highlighted.
  3. Click the "prev" button to undo the last executed instruction. Note that undo may or may not undo operations performed by ecall, such as exiting the program or printing to console.
  4. On the right side of the screen, click the "Registers" tab to view the values of all 32 registers. This tab may be already selected if it the title is highlighted in yellow. Make sure you are looking at the integer registers, not the floating point registers.
    • Question 3: What is the value of the sp register? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  5. Continue stepping until the value in t1 changes.
    • Question 4: What is the new value of the t1 register? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
    • Question 5: What is the machine code of the current instruction? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  6. Step until you are at address 0x10. At this point, t3's value has been updated.
    • Question 6: What is the value of the t3 register? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  7. If we look at the current instruction, we're loading from the t3 register. Use the "Memory" tab (next to the "Registers" tab), and input the answer of question 6 (the value of t3) into the "Address" box. You may need to scroll down on the memory tab before it is visible. Press "Go" to go to that memory address
    • Question 7: What is the byte that t3 points to? The answer should be an 8 bit (1 byte) hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  8. Set a breakpoint at address 0x28 by clicking the row at that address. The row should turn light red and a breakpoint symbol should appear.
  9. Continue until the breakpoint by pressing "Run".
    • Question 8: What is the value of the t0 register? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  10. Continue 6 more times.
    • Question 9: What is the new value of the t0 register? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  11. Sometimes, reading hexadecimal values aren't very helpful. Set the display settings to "Decimal" by using the dropdown at the bottom of the register tab. This can also be done for the memory tab.
    • Question 10: What is the value of the t0 register in decimal? The answer should be a decimal number without a prefix.
  12. Click the instruction at address 0x28 again to unset the breakpoint.
  13. Click run to finish running the program, since there are no more breakpoints.
    • Question 11: What is the output of the program? The answer should be a decimal number without a prefix.

Venus: Memcheck

In project 1 (and C programming in general), valgrind was the go-to tool for debugging memory access errors (such as Segmentation fault (core dumped)). For Venus, we have a feature called "memcheck" that accomplishes something similar. The memcheck error messages are designed to mimic valgrind error messages. Note: this feature was developed in Spring 2022 and we first introduced it in Fall 2022, so please let us know if you encounter any bugs!

Memcheck comes in two modes:

  • Normal mode (or just "memcheck"): This mode will show any invalid reads or writes to memory. If there is unfreed memory when the program exits, it will also print out the number of bytes of unfreed memory.
  • Verbose mode (or "memcheck verbose"): In addition to normal mode, this mode also prints out every memory read/write, along with a list of blocks that were not freed when the program exits.

You can enable these modes under the Venus tab. If both "Enable Memcheck?" and "Enable Memcheck Verbose?" are selected, memcheck will run in verbose mode.

You must reopen the file you are debugging in VDB after enabling or disabling memcheck.

Exercise 3: Using Memcheck

Similar to the previous exercise, this exercise will ask you to write down your answers in ex3_answers.txt. The question numbers may be different from the step numbers, please be careful!

  1. Open ex3_memcheck.s in the Venus editor and read through the entire program to get an idea of what it does.
  2. Run the program. Oh no, the program errors! Let's take a look at the error message.
    • Question 1: What address did the program try to access, but caused the error? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
    • Question 2: How many bytes was the program trying to access? The answer should be a decimal number without a prefix.
  3. This seems like a memory error, so let's give memcheck a shot. Enable memcheck (normal mode) and reopen ex3_memcheck.s in VDB.
  4. Run the program. Look, a memcheck error with more details! Read the error carefully.
    • Question 3: What address did the program try to access, but caused the error? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
    • Question 4: How many bytes were allocated in the block related to the error? The answer should be a number without units.
    • Question 5: Which line of the source file caused this error? The answer should be a number.
  5. Compare your answer to Question 2 and Question 4. Note that memcheck may change the memory address that malloc returns.
  6. Let's try to debug this error. Recall that t1 contains the loop counter.
    • Question 6: What is the value of t1 based on the memcheck error message? The answer should be a decimal number.
  7. Fix this error in the source code and save the file.
  8. Run the program again. The process complete without any invalid access errors. However, it complains that there's some unfreed memory.
    • Question 7: How many bytes were not freed when the program exited? The answer should be a decimal number without units.
  9. Rerun the program with memcheck in verbose mode. Remember to reopen the file in VDB.
    • Question 8: What is the address of the block that was not freed? The answer should be a 32 bit hexadecimal number, with the 0x prefix.
  10. Fix this error by calling free.
  11. Disable memcheck for the next two exercises.

Place a pointer to the beginning of the array in a0, then call free using jal.

Exercise 4: Array Practice

Consider the discrete-valued function f defined on integers in the set {-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3}. Here's the function definition:

f(-3) = 6
f(-2) = 61
f(-1) = 17
f(0) = -38
f(1) = 19
f(2) = 42
f(3) = 5

Implement the function in ex4_discrete_fn.s in RISC-V, with the condition that your code may NOT use any branch and/or jump instructions! Make sure that your code is saved locally. We have provided some hints in case you get stuck.

All output values are stored in the output array which is passed to f through register a1. You do NOT need to create the array on your own. You can index into that array to get the output corresponding to the input.

Make sure that you only write to the t and a registers. If you use other registers, strange things may happen (you'll learn about why soon).

Hint 1

You can access the values of the array using lw.

Hint 2

lw requires that the offset is an immediate value. When we compute the offset for this problem, it will be stored in a register. Since we cannot use a register as the offset, we can add the value stored in the register to the base address to compute the address of the index that we are interested in. Then we can perform a lw with an offset of 0.

In the following example, the index is stored in t0 and the pointer to the array is stored in t1. The size of each element is 4 bytes. In RISC-V, we have to do our own pointer arithmetic, so:

  1. We need to multiply the index by the size of the elements of the array.
  2. Then we add this offset to the address of the array to get the address of the element that we wish to read.
  3. Read the element.
slli t2, t0, 2 # step 1 (see above)
add t2, t2, t1 # step 2 (see above)
lw t3, 0(t2)   # step 3 (see above)

Hint 3

f(-3) should be stored at offset 0, f(-2) should be stored at offset 1, and so on


To test your function, open ex4_discrete_fn_tester.s and run it through the simulator. This will be the test we use on the autograder, so make sure that the test passes locally before you submit.

You can also test your code using the command line with the following command.

java -jar tools/venus.jar lab03/ex4_discrete_fn_tester.s

Exercise 5: Factorial

Make sure your memcheck is disabled for this exercise.

In this exercise, you will be implementing the factorial function in RISC-V. This function takes in a single integer parameter n and returns n!. A stub of this function can be found in the file ex5_factorial.s.

The argument that is passed into the function is located at the label n. You can modify n to test different factorials. To implement, you will need to add instructions under the factorial label. There is an recursive solution, but we recommend that you implement the iterative solution. You can assume that the factorial function will only be called on positive values with results that won't overflow a 32-bit two's complement integer.

At the start of the factorial call, the register a0 contains the number which we want to compute the factorial of. Then, place your return value in register a0 before returning from the function.

Make sure that you only write to the t and a registers. If you use other registers, strange things may happen (you'll learn about why soon).

Also, make sure you initialize the registers you are using! Venus might show that the registers are initially 0, but in real life they can contain garbage data. Make sure you set the register values that you will be using to some defined number before using them.


To test your code, you can make sure your function properly returns the correct output. Some examples are 0! = 1, 3! = 6, 7! = 5040 and 8! = 40320.

To test your function, open ex5_factorial.s and run it through the simulator. This will be how we test your function on the autograder, so make sure that the test passes locally before you submit.

You can also test your code using the command line with the following command.

java -jar tools/venus.jar lab03/ex5_factorial.s

Exercise 6: Reflection and Feedback Form

We are working to improve the class every week - please fill out this survey to tell us about your experience in discussion and lab so far!

Transitioning to More Complex RISC-V Programs

In the future, we'll be working with more complex RISC-V programs that require multiple files of assembly code. To prepare for this, we recommend looking over the Venus reference.


Save, commit, and push your work, then submit to the Lab 3 assignment on Gradescope.